Thursday, April 30, 2009

Article written for Show Pigeon Journal

As most of you know, Steve Gaskin holds no secrets when it comes to the health concerns of his birds and as a good sportsman, he's interested in the health of your birds as well. He is extremely competitive but has a great desire to bring others along who wish to share the success of raising and showing world class Jacobins. For this reason, Steve has graciously asked us here at Chisholm Trial Loft to give you a brief overview of our Chisholm Trail Supplement program. Hopefully, you too will see, experience, and reap the rewards of owning extremely health / competitive birds.

Chisholm Trial Supplements are a proprietary blended unit of numerous ingredients from around the world, each ingredient having it’s own specific property and duty in regard to the overall health of the pigeon. Many of our ingredients are derived from herbs, plants and plant root extracts which the birds can not forage for themselves, nor can these ingredients be purchased at your local health food store. Others are derived scientifically from yeast extracts and enzymes.

Our formula addresses numerous specific areas of concern for the show and performance birds. There are ingredients which coat the intestinal lining and act as a prophylactic toward pathogens i.e.. e-coli, salmonella, etc. which would attach to the intestinal wall and eventually debilitate or kill the bird. Another area which we have addressed is the reproduction. There are ingredients which are vital in the health and formation of the sperm cell, a healthy oviduct, and yolk-sac nutrition. (Many youngster die from a lack of yolk-sac nutrition before the parents can start their milk).

We've addressed your bird's heath needs by adding an ingredient which binds ammonia up to 75%. Ammonia is the culprit when it comes to respiratory infections (other than mechanical). Ammonia cuts through the mucous membrane and allows pathogen and virus penetration. More oxygen means more cellular respiration which means robust youngsters. We've added enzymes which break down the food for better utilization and economy. Other ingredients bind molds and mildews which affect the liver. A healthy liver affects bird performance on all levels.

Birds on Chisholm Trial Supplements exhibit feather quality beyond normal expectations. Areas of the anatomy such as beak, toenail, skin, eye are readily seen in birds bred and raised on CTL Supplements. Fanciers are reaching goals of winning in exhibition who in time past only dreamed of distant achievement.

Don't let yourself be swept up into the anti-biotic cycle of diminishing returns which can only lead to failure. Fifteen years of success for Chisholm Trail Natural Supplements and other clients like Steve Gaskin has proven to us that we have an easy to apply, one size fits all program that will even make the novice look professional.

John Curry
Chisholm Trail Loft