Monday, October 19, 2009


Here's a tip on using CTL Supplements.

This will produce perfect droppings over night.

Have your birds on the thirsty side. Mix the CTL Supplements very thick in their water. Like a slurry. Then they will rush to get a drink before it settles to the bottom. Each time you go to water them thereafter, just add fresh water without pouring the supplements out. Add water morning and evening until the water in the bowl becomes clear again.

We don't recommend doing this permanently, just as a jump start when the droppings are looking a little bit "off".

Don't ignore wet nests!....
If you have pairs in individual nest, this method helps also.

Monday, October 12, 2009


It's almost time for the show season. If you haven't taken extreme care of your birds throughout the year, you'll really have to make up the difference between now and the time the shows start. Birds have been shucking feathers for about a month now and growing their new plumage. Don't expect to beat the fellow who cares for his birds 24-7 Three hundred and sixty-five days a years.

Did you know that most fanciers whether showing or racing, treat their birds like "crap" until it's time for them to perform? When it comes time to race or show, they try to play "catch-up" by applying every home remedy they've ever heard of.

It's easy to beat these kind of people if you do the little significant things year-round.

Our Chisholm Trial Supplements are designed to accelerate the molt and bring out the best when replacing old feathers. Use our Chisholm Trail Supplements year round.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


With mixed emotions we're announcing today that Chisholm Trail Loft has sold the entire colony of Hofken racing pigeons. Thanks to all of you who have made the CTL Hofkens famous.

We will continue to carry the Chisholm Trail Supplements.

We are directing our energies toward the CTL Supplements and the ACN Telecommunications Franchise.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Visit our Telecommunications website to find out for yourself how you can save money by using our services.

john curry