Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Steve Troyer of Haslet, TX. called Friday 12-04-09.

He related to me how well his young birds did prior to the races. He uses our Chisholm Trail Supplements on Purina Gold Pellets year round. His birds flew open loft for hours on end.

When the racing season rolled around Steve dominated his club and combine. He told me that he is up for AU Awards when he submits his race results.

Steve has tried to get his fellow fancier to use the Chisholm Trail Supplements. He has carried our product on hand so that they can take advantage of his service and thereby saving shipping costs. Despite this, they seem satisfied with inferior health and performance.

Why do men purchase great breeding stock and then handle and care for them in an inferior manor?

These same people will go the pharmacy, health food store, etc. and purchase all types of substances at great expense. It's a dollar here and ten dollars there and before they know it they could have paid $89.00 for our package #2 and save all those trips to the stores buying up things with a limited shelf life. All they need to do is purchase our Chisholm Trail Supplement Package, which is inexpensive compared to what they are doing. They can fork over a dollar here and there but think that $89.00 is too much to spend. If they consider all that we have done for them and how effective our formula is, they might have second thoughts. Our six pound blend covers over 2,000 pounds of feed!

Our formula is scientifically designed to offer birds a broad range of vital trace elements and ingredients that do specific things relating to overall health and bird performance.

One of our proprietary ingredients we import from Europe. Fifty pounds cost us $1,500.00. We add just the right amount into each package.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Do you have chronic sickness in your loft even while using CTL Supplement?
Your problem may be mechanical. By mechanical we mean self inflicted, unwitting errors occurring around the loft.

There are some fanciers who have ongoing loft problems and consequent sickness.
This biggest problem is poor ventilation. Some lofts are so "tight" that fresh air can't move around in the loft. Thus the birds are adversely affected by the protein from their own feather bloom and droppings. The proteins and dust must be vented away from the birds.

When I was a kid, my birds were keep year round in an open wire aviary. They could get under board covers to keep the rain and snow off, but the entire aviary was open. The only problems I had back then was the chunky, visible throat canker caused by cheap feed, (since I didn't have the money to purchase the better feed and didn't know any better).

When I became a teenage I turned a wooden shed, (which was a three horse stall), into a loft. It was shut up pretty tight. (not knowing any better). All of my birds got sick within a few weeks and all died. This happened due to my youthful ignorance. I learned a hard lesson.

Sadly, When talking to fanciers who obviously have these self made issues, they won't address the problem. They continue to throw anti-biotics at the birds. All they need to do is to properly ventilate the loft.

"Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise"
